The new Common Weakness Scoring System – CWSS

When a security analysis of a software application is performed, such as when using an automated code auditing tool, developers often face hundreds or thousands of individual bug reports for weaknesses that are discovered in their code. In certain circumstances, a software weakness can lead to an exploitable vulnerability. For example, a buffer overflow vulnerability might arise from a weakness in which the programmer does not properly validate the length of an input buffer. This weakness only contributes to a vulnerability if the input can be influenced by a malicious party, and if that malicious input can copied to an output buffer that is smaller than the input.


Due to the high volume of reported weaknesses, developers are forced into a situation in which they must prioritize which issues they should investigate and fix first. Similarly, when assessing design and architecture choices and their weaknesses, there needs to be a method for prioritizing them relative to each other and with the other issues of the application. Finally, software consumers want to know what they should worry about the most, and what to ask for to get a more secure product from their vendors and suppliers.


Further complicating the problem, the importance of a weakness may vary depending on business or mission needs, the kinds of technologies in use, and the threat environment.


In short, people need to be able to reason and communicate about the relative importance of different weaknesses. While various scoring methods are used today, they are either ad hoc or inappropriate for application to the still-imprecise evaluation of software security.


The Common Weakness Scoring System (CWSS) provides a mechanism for scoring weaknesses in a consistent, flexible, open manner while accommodating context for the various business domains. It is a collaborative, community-based effort that is addressing the needs of its stakeholders across government, academia, and industry. CWSS is a part of the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) project, co-sponsored by the Software Assurance program in the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) of the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS).




– provides a common framework for prioritizing security errors (“weaknesses”) that are discovered in software applications
– provides a quantitative measurement of the unfixed weaknesses that are present within a software application
– can be used by developers to prioritize unfixed weaknesses within their own software in conjunction with the Common Weakness Risk Analysis Framework (CWRAF), can be used by consumers to identify the most important weaknesses for their business domains, in order to inform their acquisition and protection activities as one part of the larger process of achieving software assurance


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